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PastFinder Berlin 1945-1989. Traces of German History - A Guidebook
Artikel-Nr.: 9783861534112

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PastFinder Berlin 1945-1989. Traces of German History - A Guidebook  von Maik Kopleck

 Ein mit viel Service und fotografischen Illustrationen ausgestatteter Stadtführer durch die versunkene Reichshauptstadt und deren Umland. Reich an überraschenden Entdeckungen. (Mitteldeutsche Zeitung)

No other city in the world was marked by the Cold War like Berlin. Here at the Wall, the power blocs of the world confronted each other.

Here, intelligence agencies of the East and West ran their spy centers. Here, each system attempted to present its own way of life as ideal. Only after the peaceful revolution of 1989in the GDR was the divided city able to grow together again and to become the capital of a reunited Germany. Maik Kopleck's PAST FINDER takes you to the well-known and lesser known sites of this history. It gives a concise account of the historic events and introduces the most important personalities. Several maps and a clear graphic design let you put together your own sightseeing tour and provide quick orientation at each location.

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